Description: Most of the organisms are unicellular, though many find comfort in grouping together forming colonies. They all need some kind of a water-based environment, which can be fresh or marine water, snow, damp soil, polar bear hairs--in which to live. All are aerobic and have mitochondria to do cellular respiration, and some have chloroplasts and can do photosynthesis.
Divergent Event: Fungi first developed over 1.2 million years ago and originated as aquatic organisms. Fungi like animals evolved from opisthokonts, organisms that started as single celled spores and propelled themselves with a single posterior flagellum. During the Cambian period some of these spores moved to land and grew into large fungal spores. Finally, by the late Carboniferous era all classes of fungi were present.
Body Plan: Unicellular and Multicellular (algea)
Metabolism: Autotrophic (Algae)- energy by photosynthesis or chemosynthesis and Heterophic (Amoebae) - energy by consuming other organisms
Digestion: Intracellular - phagocytosis  (means engulfing their food in their cell membrane, and pinching off a section of membrane to form a vacuole inside the cell)
Nervous: Not very developed but there's a little stimulation.
Circulatory: Diffusion
Respiratory: None; but there is cellular respiration.
Reproduction: Asexual and Sexual (Plasmodium - can do both)
1. Slime Mold
2. Algae